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Etichetă: fajita Jamie Oliver

My 3 Years of Food Revolution organizer and Jamie Oliver’s Ambassador

My 3 Years of Food Revolution organizer and Jamie Oliver's Ambassador, more than 500 kids involved in the program, over 30 events, cca 20 schools and kindergardens, a great team of volunteers, companies, parents, supporters and endorsers, all the good hearts and minds who made it possible and will make it The Food Education Happening in Romania. We all need it, let's make it happen every year! ‪#‎16May2016‬ ‪#‎FoodRevolutionDay‬ ‪#‎JamieOliver‬ ‪#‎ScoaladeNutritie‬ Visit: www.bacaniaverde.ro/ScoaladeNutritie/
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Fajita mexicana

Fajita e o mancare simpla pentru intreaga familie, satioasa si creativa in celasi timp. Se poate servi cu 4 sosuri: salsa picante, guacamole, iaurt si cascaval cedar ras. Se prepara baitul de condimente si ardei iuti, se stoarce jumatae de lamaie peste, se imparte in 2 si se dau prin ele carnea, ardeii si ceapa taiate julien. Se calesc in mai intai puiul, apoi ceapa si ardeiul capia. Se aseza pe foaia de tortilla incalzita in prealabil in urmatoarea ordine: [...]
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