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Etichetă: Food Revolution Day 2014

My 3 Years of Food Revolution organizer and Jamie Oliver’s Ambassador

My 3 Years of Food Revolution organizer and Jamie Oliver's Ambassador, more than 500 kids involved in the program, over 30 events, cca 20 schools and kindergardens, a great team of volunteers, companies, parents, supporters and endorsers, all the good hearts and minds who made it possible and will make it The Food Education Happening in Romania. We all need it, let's make it happen every year! ‪#‎16May2016‬ ‪#‎FoodRevolutionDay‬ ‪#‎JamieOliver‬ ‪#‎ScoaladeNutritie‬ Visit: www.bacaniaverde.ro/ScoaladeNutritie/
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Rainbow Salad sau Salata Curcubeu a la Jamie Oliver

Reteta a fost propusa intaia data de faimosul bucatar britanic Jamie Oliver de Food Revolution Day 2014 si este pe cat de usor de facut, pe atat de sanatoasa. Salata-curcubeu se poate prepara in 30 de minute si sute de mii de oameni din lumea intreaga au reusit s-o faca in acest interval de timp, inclusiv copiii. In plus nu contine multe calorii, doar 191, grasimi 7.6 g , proteine 6 g, carbohidrati 23.3g zahar 10.3g si sare 0.74g, fiind [...]
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