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Etichetă: heath coaching

Lansare Ateliere YPA Lifestyle Academy: AyurYoga, Meditatie, Mindfullness -Sanatate si Wellbeing

Noile Ateliere YPA Lifestyle Academy 2 Septembrie 2019 - 31 Mai 2020 Ayuryoga Luni , Miercuri, Vineri orele 19:00 Marti, Joi, orele 19:00 Meditatie Sambata orele 10:00 (Meditatie) si 11:00 (Bhakti Yoga Chanting) HOLISTIC AYUR HEALTH & YOGA https://www.yourpersonalaroma.com/ypa-workshops/holistic-ayur-health-yoga/ Module1/ 3 Sessions Mondays: Ayuryoga for Head and Hair 350lei/80eur+VAT/pers Module 2/ 3 Sessions Wednesdays : Ayuryoga for Backpain and Stomach 350lei/80eur+VAT/pers Module3/ 3 Sessions Fridays: Ayuryoga for Hands, legs and joints 350lei/80eur+VAT/pers Module 1+2+3 9 sessions/month: 1000lei/ 200eur+VAT/pers 150lei/30eur+VAT /session/person [...]
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